Our Mission

Everything we do revolves around connecting people to God through the promise of salvation we have in Jesus. While we live in a world without true love, wandering in darkness, and inundated with bad news. It is the mission of every member and believer of this church to SHOW THE LOVE, SHINE THE LIGHT, AND SHARE THE GOSPEL of Jesus Christ to everyone we meet!

Our Vision

We will do everything possible to create an “on-ramp” to enter into the community of believers within our church that will love you and help you find your PURPOSE! This is done through a four step process. Be Loved, Belong, Believe, Become

  1. When you connect with LH Troy, you will BE LOVED.

  2. You will find this to be a place where you BELONG.

  3. Biblical teaching and preaching will help you BELIEVE.

  4. We will help you BECOME a disciple as you also make disciples.

Our Purpose

According to Ephesians 4:12 it is the purpose of the leaders in the church to equip the saints for the ministry of the church. We do not believe it is only the job of the church leaders to be involved in ministry, but the responsibility of every member.

LightHouse of Troy will expend all efforts to equip every member to be a productive and empowered part of the body of Christ, using their gifts and abilities to further the Kingdom of God.